Autism and Interviewing

Or To Disclose or Not To Disclose After speaking with someone about a recent interview, that I felt had been going well, up to the end, when it seemed to crash, we discussed a way to come at things differently. I am of an age that still does not know how to treat autism. When I was growing up, autism …

Post Work

I still account the Post Office to have been one of the worst work experiences. Not the bottom, though aspects of it and some of the events there were pretty well the worst. When I first started, that first day, when we took our Oath to the Constitution of the United States, I was genuinely on board. I was so …

Working Title

In a past life, not the mystical kind, in the real kind, I was a bookseller. Before I worked on computers, I helped to sell books. From January 2001 until November 2006, I live some of my best vocational life. I worked for, at the time, the book selling chain, Barnes & Noble (not Barnes and Nobles). It was about …

Neurodivergence and “Just Do It”

Several years ago, when I still read Reddit regularly, I was in r/photography. I read a post asking how one went out and took photos. The poster noted that many people were able to get out and take photos and yet they weren’t. The trite answer was, just do it. Just go out and take the photos. Even at that …

Introverted Autism in Today’s Job Market

Or why I feel like I’m f***ed Introversion amplifies the challenge of Autism. When one is Autistic and extroverted, one can simply steamroll, can just spew forth from the mouth and become the face of Autism. There is different masking when one is extroverted. Some shades of the spectrum become easy to spot, the voice or the “Rainman”-esqueness of them. …